Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind representation

  Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, a film directed by Micheal Gondry is a movie that explores the complications behind love and heartbreak, as well as the impact the memories of a special someone have on us. It is an unconventional movie, using a style of sequencing events together that I have never come across in other productions. 

 The representation of love in this movie is different from what is typically seen in Hollywood about romantic relationships. It is more representative of what people really go through, as it does a great job of highlighting the difficulties and how easy it can be to grow resentful of a person after spending so much time together and the bitter aspects of romance. The characters in this movie avoid stereotypes, and are rather eccentric. The girl, Clementine, changes her hair color to different vibrant colors such as orange, red, and green throughout the movie, representing her unique character and how her personality changes throughout the movie. 

The company that helped Clementine and Joel to rid of their memories of each other is meant to represent how humans try to erase painful memories in society and and how we are uncomfortable about facing the harsh truth. It showcases a deep rooted issue in our society of not being able to confront these uncomfortable memories in emotions, which actually help us to grow as people. 

The movie represents the world and societal issues in a fictional yet relatable way.  For people that have experienced a bitter end to a relationship, it is easy to connect to the characters and understand the memories they hold. This representation may have helped to change people's minds about facing their uncomfortable memories in the name of growing as humans and building stronger connections. 

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